Galaxy S2 comes with default samsung apps that are often never used.
If you are neat freaks like me when it comes to files/apps, you will be pleased to know that there is a way to remove default apps easily.
All you need is a root capable browser like
Root Explorer.
In this example, I will be using MIUI file explorer which also has root capability.
1. Change the setting of your browser to allow root previlege.
2. Go to /system/app where all default system apps are located and find the file you want to delete.
3. On some browsers, you might need to change the permission of the directory from RO (read-only) to WR (writeable and readable).
4. Delete the file!
It is as simple as that!
Just remember that removing some system apps might break the OS so you have to be careful.
Here is a list of system apps that are safe to remove:
(I found the list from my hard drive. I don't remember where I got it from. If you know where the list is from, please let me know.)
SamsungWidget_WeatherClock.apk |
Dlna.apk |
LiveWallpapers.apk |
SamsungWidget_News.apk |
BluetoothOpp.apk |
BuddiesNow.apk |
TouchWizCalculator.apk |
TouchWizCalendar.apk |
TwCalendarAppWidget.apk |
CalendarProvider.apk |
TwWallpaperChooser.apk |
Camera.apk |
ChocoEUKor.apk |
AnalogClock.apk |
PressReader.apk |
PRUI.apk |
lcdtest.apk |
SamsungAppsUNAService.apk |
ScreenCaptureService.apk |
SnsImageCache.apk |
Days.apk |
Bol.com_version_1.0.3.3.apk |
DigitalClock.apk |
DownloadProviderUi.apk |
DualClock.apk |
Email.apk |
EmailWidget.apk |
FactoryTest.apk |
FmRadio.apk |
Gallery3D.apk |
GameHub.apk |
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk |
HelvNeueLT.apk |
Protips.apk |
HTMLViewer.apk |
SamsungIM.apk |
IMEITracker.apk |
Browser.apk |
KiesAir.apk |
kieswifi.apk |
Kobo.apk |
PanningTryActually.apk |
Divx.apk |
Memo.apk |
Mms.apk |
Microbesgl.apk |
MiniDiary.apk |
PostIt.apk |
MmsProvisioning.apk |
MobilePrint.apk |
MobileTrackerEngineTwo.apk |
MusicPlayer.apk |
MusicHub_U1.apk |
MyFiles.apk |
GenieWidget.apk |
SecretWallpaper1.apk |
PhotoRetouching.apk |
PicoTts.apk |
PolarisOffice.apk |
SamsungWidget_ProgramMonitor.apk |
ReadersHub.apk |
signin.apk |
SamsungApps.apk |
MMM_Smartphone_1.5.1_final.apk |
ApplicationsProvider.apk |
SetupWizard.apk |
shutdown.apk |
Stk.apk |
SnsProvider.apk |
SnsDisclaimer.apk |
SnsAccountFb.apk |
SnsAccountLi.apk |
SnsAccountMs.apk |
SnsAccountTw.apk |
SocialHub.apk |
SevenEngine.apk |
syncmldm.apk |
SoundPlayer.apk |
SpeechRecorder.apk |
Tasks.apk |
Term.apk |
TrimApp.apk |
Kies.apk |
UserDictionaryProvider.apk |
VideoEditor.apk |
VideoPlayer.apk |
VoiceToGo.apk |
VoiceRecorder.apk |
VpnServices.apk |
FTS.apk |
FTM.apk |
SecretWallpaper2.apk |
wipereceiver.apk |
WlanTest.apk |
wssyncmlnps.apk |
SamsungWidget_StockClock.apk |
Zinio.apk |
Hi, and thanks for this post - its very helpful and was exactly what I was looking for. I've installed Root Explorer to root my phone with the intention of deleting bloatware, but I'm having trouble changing the setting of the browser to allow root access. Is there any advice you can offer or anywhere you can direct me to find out more?
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